Gullible_Chocolate95 t1_jdu0tn1 wrote
I’m a brown guy who came to NJ in 2019 from my home country. Not even ONCE have i face racism or even the slightest hint of it. People on this side of the country will be DIRECT and not sugarcoat their words but that’s because there’s an underlying care or concern, and NOT racism. If you find yourself on the side of the road with a flat tire, they’d go ‘oh god how can you not have a jack in your car or know how to change your tires. But dw i’ll help you out’.
People in NJ are by far the MOST open-minded I’ve come across. This probably stems from that fact that NJ has a HUGE number of immigrants and growing up, an American might be interacting with people from all races colors nationalities and cultures which makes them very easy to get along with.
I’ve knwon some friends who’ve had to hear stuff like ‘hey go back to your country’ but I’ve personally never heard anything of that sort.
NJ is among the best places to live in if you’re concerned about racism (obv excludes certain parts).
Franklin Park, Somerset, Bridgewater are all fabulous places to live in.
Gullible_Chocolate95 t1_ja0r9p0 wrote
Reply to comment by blay12 in LPT: When calculating something such as rent or pay, a month is 4.345 weeks by MikeTorsson
Me too. And i’m getting 3 paycheck next month lol
Gullible_Chocolate95 t1_jduyye2 wrote
Reply to comment by HighCaliberBullet in Moving from San Diego, SoCal to New Jersey Post Graduation - Questions by NZXTNike
I’m so sorry you had to go through this, especially in a place with a huge diversity like Jersey City.