HammerDownRein t1_j4st43t wrote
Reply to comment by Five-and-Dimer in TIL about SubTropolis, a giant former limestone mine under Kansas City that was converted into the world’s largest underground business complex. The 1,100-acre complex is accessed through tunnels, and as of 2015, 1,600 people worked there. by corn_dog_22
The Meritex caves?
HammerDownRein t1_j4sull4 wrote
Reply to comment by Five-and-Dimer in TIL about SubTropolis, a giant former limestone mine under Kansas City that was converted into the world’s largest underground business complex. The 1,100-acre complex is accessed through tunnels, and as of 2015, 1,600 people worked there. by corn_dog_22
Yep, that’s the Meritex caves. Lenexa does a 4th of July night bike ride from Old Town down into the caves and back. Supposed to be really cool.