
HardboiledMook t1_j3vugg1 wrote

That's a fair point and one I didn't consider. It puts an immediate expectation on the following person and is ripe to exploit. Plus as someone with anxiety issues, I can see that as triggering for many.

Wait, we disagreed on reddit and both managed to see the others side..

... does this mean we're best friends now?


HardboiledMook t1_j3ox6az wrote

You do realize that separate things can be true at the same time right? Someone doesn't necessarily have to be stiffing a service worker to pay for the meal of the person behind them, they could have also given the entire kitchen staff $100 a piece on the way through, and also helped Josh Hawley escape the capitol on January sixth after he called, sobbing, afraid for his life from the horror he helped cultivate.

Just pointing out, you come across a bit needlessly hostile, even though I agree with what you're saying.


HardboiledMook t1_iuecgtj wrote

You do realize that's the opposite of what supply and demand is right? When Supply goes up, prices go down.. because there is more easy access to the product.

This creates more supply. Why would demand go up? It only cost $100 to get a medical card so anyone who wanted the product already is getting it or has a local person they are getting it from anyway.

I'm really trying to understand your argument here. If you can elaborate more please do so, but I think your terminology may be off and confusing things.