HellStoneBats t1_ja8elwq wrote
Reply to comment by Suspicious_Gazelle18 in after ASOIAF and kingkiller I dont dare to start reading unfinished series, I wonder statistically how much people are same and if it sffects other authors? by [deleted]
Mate, I miss the times between OotP and DH being released... we were an actual community, once...
HellStoneBats t1_ja8eiw8 wrote
Reply to comment by Mammoth-Store740 in after ASOIAF and kingkiller I dont dare to start reading unfinished series, I wonder statistically how much people are same and if it sffects other authors? by [deleted]
My dear, you clearly didn't grow up in the era of fanfiction. Sometimes stories that you follow for literally decades and millions of words just don’t finish. That's okay, it let's you finish the story yourself. And you always have the option of going back and starting again.
HellStoneBats t1_j6cw678 wrote
Reply to comment by philipp2310 in You know you’re old when your birth year starts being used as a flashback in movies by Ocars22
The first one I ran into that was Guardians of the Galaxy 2... Marvel using your younger sibling's birth year as a flashback year just makes you feel so much older..
HellStoneBats t1_j67mwnu wrote
Reply to comment by lucia-pacciola in What’s the longest wait you’ve seen for chekhov's gun to be used? by I_Am_Slightly_Evil
3 books and a million years.
You just know it's going to be a single copper jot in there. No significance to it at all.
HellStoneBats t1_j4u1060 wrote
Reply to comment by TentacleJihadHentai in [WP] The Greek, Norse, and Egyptian pantheons of gods attend a conference on Mount Olympus, trying to discern whether or not Christianity's god is evil or truly good as it claims. The talks were going poorly until an Archangel came to visit them. by Tigerstorm6
Well, I was going to have a go, but I can't now, there's no following that :) kudos.
HellStoneBats t1_j4fvq51 wrote
God, I remember the first time I finished the Harry Potter series. I think I just sat there staring at the wall and silent crying for like 10 mins, realising I'd just ended an era of my life and my favourite book series at the same time.
Then my sister barged in and called me an idiot. Thanks, sis.
HellStoneBats t1_j4fvh8l wrote
Reply to comment by trekbette in That feeling of loss when you finish a great book by Not_l0st
My god, yes. I've just sat here and experienced a world shift because the character I loved/hated died/found happiness (delete not applicable), and you're still standing there asking what I want for dinner‽ I banish thee, foul beast!
HellStoneBats t1_j2n8xkb wrote
Reply to comment by worlox in Adik the dog stolen by Russian soldiers returned in prisoner exchange by Available_Regret_983
I've seen videos of WWII POWs. There was definitely more meat on a dog.
HellStoneBats t1_j2d0kp4 wrote
Reply to comment by atothez in Once an Open Sewer, New York Harbor Now Teems With Life. Thank the Clean Water Act. by LCPhotowerx
Thanks very much. I really don't like the Dundee films in general, so I'll take your recommendation :D
HellStoneBats t1_j2csc2n wrote
Reply to comment by T00luser in Once an Open Sewer, New York Harbor Now Teems With Life. Thank the Clean Water Act. by LCPhotowerx
What did we do? I don't understand this reference.
HellStoneBats t1_j18pik1 wrote
Reply to What do you care about in a book? by pw_librarian
Long books, usually. Plots I can't guess the ending to at page 35. An ending that feels earned. An antagonist that leaves me seething with rage at the mention of their name for years after (hem hem). So rare, but those books are worth their weight in platinum. If I could find a book or series with all 4, I'd buy a lottery ticket.
I will read almost any book, but whether I finish or enjoy it is the question. I finished a book the other day that introduced a character in the climax that was there under another name/in another form from the threshold-cross, and her actions ended the conflict, just by being there. It was not a good pay-off.
HellStoneBats t1_iyc29xh wrote
Reply to comment by livebeta in [WP] You are constantly mocked for having such a weird superpower by all the other heroes. “The power to make anything into perfectly cooked soup”… One day, a massive meteor is barreling towards earth. As all the other heroes are panicking, you wait perfectly calm, at the impact zone, bowl in hand. by WoollerMan2003
I wanna down vote, but...I...can't...
HellStoneBats t1_iy2q9o5 wrote
Reply to Somewhere, during the countdown to Y2K, someone's power went out and they probably thought the world was ending. by YourAverageTylerFan
We went bush for 3 weeks, no radio or anything. I don't remember if my parents were worried about Y2K or if they were worried about the people worried about Y2K, but I remember my 9yo self being very confused as to why we were on holiday for so long.
HellStoneBats t1_iugy355 wrote
Reply to comment by IAMFERROUS in [WP] The newly discovered planet "Earth" exhibits all the telltale signs of a rogue AI overlord (unhealthy long working hours, optimization for profit, widespread unhappiness, etc). But when you arrive to free them, there is no AI to destroy. by Glitch_twice_002
I'm not even sure I fit under the restrictions of that last paragraph.
Nice job!
HellStoneBats t1_is3uthg wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in CVS cuts cost of menstrual products in 12 states with "tampon tax" by AmethystOrator
You're also not taking into account those who have to change tampons every 30 mins, so a 12pk will last them maybe 6 hours, or who have to wear both tampon and pad at the same time to prevent leaks. Some of these are medically-influenced, but some people just piss blood - and not in the fun anecdotal way.
HellStoneBats t1_jaa445e wrote
Reply to comment by Molmoran in after ASOIAF and kingkiller I dont dare to start reading unfinished series, I wonder statistically how much people are same and if it sffects other authors? by [deleted]
I've never been able to get into Manga, its just not something i enjoy. Same can be said of my husband's comics, i prefer reading those as omnibuses and graphic novels. So I've joined a few series- or author-specific subs and we do re-read-alongs, but it's really not the same.
If I could travel to any point in time again it would be 2005, high school rerun or not. Sigh.