HeroOfTime_99 t1_j4wxx6z wrote
Reply to comment by Theometer1 in Owning a pet may have helped people with low resilience cope during the pandemic: Study suggests that pet ownership is tied to improved well-being during the pandemic, but only among people with low resilience. by lolfuys
Yeah, there's 6 stats now and have been around for several years. It's Mobility, Resilience, Recovery, Discipline, Intellect, and Strength. Mobility is jump height and strafe speed, resilience is flinch resistance and a bit of damage reduction, recovery is health Regen speed. Discipline is grenade timer, interject is super timer, strength is melee timer. I've been out of the game for about 4 months and I think there's a few nuances I'm missing but that's the gist. It's honestly too much. Endless grind for the sake of endless grind.
HeroOfTime_99 t1_j4uer6q wrote
HeroOfTime_99 t1_j37qaux wrote
Reply to comment by SOUR_PATCH_NIPS in TIL of execution by Breaking Wheel that would start with tying the body to a wheel, breaking the bones of the limbs, braiding the broken limbs through the spokes and leaving the body to be eaten by scavenging animals and birds. by muadib1974
And also The Logarius Wheel in Bloodborne
HeroOfTime_99 t1_ixfl9k1 wrote
Reply to comment by Skavis in Danish scientists concoct fat-free whipped cream out of lactic acid bacteria | Someday our whipped topping could be made from beer-brewing residues or plants by Hrmbee
Do... You.. want it to make you crap your pants?
HeroOfTime_99 t1_j7cg4ym wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in An anti-aging gene discovered in a population of centenarians less prone to cardiovascular complications, has been shown to rewind the heart's biological age by 10 year by giuliomagnifico
No. Unalive