Herpalism123 t1_iuk17fm wrote
Reply to imagine a shooter game like Battlfield that takes place in early America/1800s by DickWriter69
Check out the Napoleonic Wars DLC for Mount & Blade.
Herpalism123 t1_iuk02eu wrote
Reply to Why are men/boys in gaming so sexist? by KarinaxVi
Young boys are insanely insecure, especially around girls. They try to hide this by acting/talking "tough" whenever a female appears in order to hide their insecurity from their peers. Want proof? Talk to them 1:1, they'll sound completely different.
Herpalism123 t1_iujxdty wrote
Reply to MW2 PC or PS5? by jtrain95
Why would you want an FPS on console if you can have it on PC?
Herpalism123 t1_iujd50s wrote
10$ for Slay the Spire on iOS.
5$ for Papers Please on iOS.
27$ for Red Dead Redemption on PS4.
Herpalism123 t1_iuk2z72 wrote
Reply to Why is Credit Suisse seem/treated as a serious problem should it go under? What makes it so special? by [deleted]
The thought of a "big ancient Swiss bank" going under and taking the rest of the world with it is just too juicy to give up, even if the facts don't back it up. Nothing is going to happen to CS and if it did, our government will bail them out anyway, just as they did with UBS. That doesn't mean that the stock will magically recover though, this dinosaur's value is where it belongs.