
Historical_Dot825 t1_j2ac16i wrote

No country really matters unless it's the US where both of those business' reside. Other countries can have rules and bans all they want but it wouldn't change the deal. Unless the deal makers decided to change it themselves.

The only problem wouod be the inailibty to sell your product where it's been banned. And if that place is china you just lost a SHIT TON of profit.


Historical_Dot825 t1_iujo8wk wrote

I'm not st that breaking point but I felt close last night. I Uninstalled all blizzard games and the app off my pc. I've discovered that once games go free to play the community turns into a cesspool of toxicity. That's really my only issue with free to play games. They invite all manner of trolls and assholes because there is no consequence for their actions. If they get banned they'll just make another account.