
HomiesTrismegistus t1_jef6aq2 wrote

I'm not sure but I totally fell into it I guess if it's not true, just have heard a lot of people say that. I admittedly don't know what I'm doing, all I have to go off of is that my score has been rising fast the last few months so I figured it was true. Then also credit karma I got an alert from them today saying that if I paid $126 of my $400 balance it would give me a credit boost, so I just paid that and it'll come out of my checking tomorrow.


HomiesTrismegistus t1_jef2aa5 wrote

Trying to build my credit faster, I thought that if you made above minimum payments instead of paying it all off at once that it raised your score faster? I also break it into two payments a month. For instance my minimum of my $700 card is $40. So I pay two payments of $40 usually.

The issue really is that I have not a clue how credit works and need to do some reading, but I thought that was how it worked and my credit has been growing a lot lately


HomiesTrismegistus t1_jeeykxx wrote

Okay, well I could pay my $400 one off right now. I just figured I'd make payments instead. I just want to make sure that I have a higher limit, I'm not really understanding why people think I shouldn't? I really just want to get rid of these two and have a card with a higher limit, even if that means just paying off my $400 one.