
HonDadCBR600 t1_iuggz92 wrote

Mommy is always gonna take her little boy’s side over yours. Plain and simple. Apologizing (if YOU’VE done nothing wrong)only serves to justify his actions and to make you feel like you’re the reason he acts this way. Then the “If only I could ..insert action here…then he would change” thoughts start to come and it’s downhill from there. Life is short and, while you may be young now, you shouldn’t waste anymore of it in this toxic and harmful situation. Just my opinion, of course, but, from having experienced this type of relationship before, unless he decides to change and get help for his issues it’s unlikely things will change for the better. They can always get worse though.


HonDadCBR600 t1_iug0lv8 wrote

Leave…now. Don’t look back. Nobody deserves to be treated this way and his treatment of his “girlfriend” is not even on par with how you’d treat a casual friend. Oh, and if he actually voicing that he wants to “hug” his ex..then he is either already “hugging” her or worse. This guy sounds like a real winner and the fact that he crushes your dreams and spirit on top of everything else..well…I think you already know. I wish you the best of luck in finding someone who deserves you.