
HonestCup20 t1_jdypovj wrote

I actually am very happy with all the info i get from google. the things i search for, the results i get, the ads that are tailored to my searches and what i say in front of alexa and my phone. So far i really have no issues with what i've need to get done, or do. I enjoy the ease of life with all this information at my finger tips and the amount of things possible from it.. i really don't care at all how much they know about me, because so far, they just keep offering more of what i want, and giving it to me, so it's a win-win.


HonestCup20 t1_jdtp0nt wrote

i mean.. Google is already that good enough for me.. the idea that i can just google ANYTHING and learn about it, is unimaginable from my childhood years.. i'm only 37 and i think we live in the coolest generation of years, ever. the fact that i can just listen to whatever i want, whenver i want. i can do anything for a job and learn about it before i even do it, through online courses from professionals, i can invest in anything i want from the phone in my hand or the computers in my house. I can travel anywhere by buying tickets from my couch in my house. I can have face to face video conversations with my family in NY, while i'm in Japan.. we are the future, this is now. and it's amazing.


HonestCup20 t1_j1tg7ld wrote

i would put 100 into a large cap stock when it's down, like Fidelity right now.. wait for the 5% jump to go back to normal range, and sell..

now you are at 105.

i would repeat this process over and over and over till that 5% got me to $1000. and that's it.

but that's me.. and i honestly started with about 3k about 3 years ago, and now i'm over 20k, so it's a slow build, but totally worth it if you aren't making crazy trades and trying to beat the market with huge gains.. low risk, 3-5% gains, sell, and do it again. this is the way to make good wealth in a healthy way and will accomplish your goal while establishing a good habbit in trading.


HonestCup20 t1_ixgaru3 wrote

yup.. just call, and keep doing what you're doing.. no need to rush or run to like 99% of things.. last time i actually ran to make a deadline was my Bullet train was leaving and I wasn't paying attention to the time, we had 4 minutes, to pay for our food, run up the esculator and get on the train.. luckily we were super close, but we had to carry luggage and everything and get our meal paid for.. lol but before that, i don't think i've ran to make a meeting time, or "closing time" in a long long time.. i just don't care about most things enough.. but that bullet train..lol it would of left without us, and we would of been out a good $200 for our "gran class" (1st class) reserved seats, and then need to pay again. lol.. so yah, we ran.


HonestCup20 t1_ixg92t0 wrote

What's the odds that they even release something like this "finding life" or "signs of intellegent life" if they did find it? I mean wouldn't they persue this stuff on the secret side without most of public knowing about it? i hope not, i hope we get to discover all that together, but ultimately we're not in charge of that stuff.. the govt funds a lot of these operations, so they get the say in what happens with the results.