
Hoosier_Ken t1_j2bhvoo wrote

I have to add a second one because it is so good, Klara and Sun by Kazuo Ishiguro. Klara a sentient solar powered android who was engineered / created to be an artificial friend to a human child. The designers did not provide Klara with the intelligence of a normal human child let alone a genetically modified 'lifted' human child. The book opens a great big can of ethical worms. AFs are treated as great friends in the beginning but like too many pets are outgrown by their human child companions especially since AFs can't grow. It is a heart breaking story and something that human society will probably have to deal with at some point in the future.

'Klara And The Sun' Is A Masterpiece About Life, Love And Mortality


Hoosier_Ken t1_j2bgj4o wrote

Chuck Wendig's Wanderers comes to mind. It centers around a sentient super computer called Black Rock that from what I remember has decided that human society is going to fail and is supposedly saving some special humans to begin a new society but may just be setting itself up as a sort of god. I haven't listened to book two so I can't say exactly how it will turn out. It is a fantastic tale and well worth a read or listen. So I guess that I would say that I would be uncomfortable with an AI that decides to end our present human societies to start over with one engineered by an intelligent machine.

These 'Wanderers' Are Heading For The End Of The World


Hoosier_Ken t1_j208jfc wrote

I think that it might be possible for an AI to create an imitation of a person based upon what is known about them but I really don't think that there will ever be a clone of one's memories or experiences. At best it will be a pretty good imitation though I don't think that it would actually be considered conscious. That's not nearly the same thing as eternal life. I guess maybe more like what you get at the Spirit Tree in Avatar or the Holodeck in Star Trek


Hoosier_Ken t1_j1zalz2 wrote

I think that you are probably close to being right about humans being near the top, at least homo sapiens. I do think that there will be something that transcends us. IMO it needs to be something that lacks some or most of our psychological evolutionary adaptations, decreased physical limitations, fewer physical requirements or perceived needs (living space, food, atmosphere and temperature limitations, accoutrements, emotional fulfilment) increased lifespan, greatly increased intellectual ability, improved memory storage capacity and recall. I don't just mean Gattaca like either nor will eugenics be necessary, well hopefully not necessary.


Hoosier_Ken t1_j1z0g8u wrote

I can see a couple of obvious problems, first is the cost of the energy needed to keep them aloft and secondly their limited ability to operate in strong winds, rain, freezing temperatures, etc. I don't believe that personal flying autos will ever be feasible but larger public transports probably will be.