Not surgery related but in our icu our intensivists shifts are literally a week long. They are on site for as long as they need to be during the day (07:00-19:00 but as late as 23:00 some days) rounding /doing procedures /meeting with family /admitting new patients /consults /code team then they go home when all of that is done, but come back for any problems /crises and are on call the entire time they are not on site. We had a patient ask his long the doctors shift was and when we told her, her eyes got really large lol. It’s unfortunate but it’s the model that is the least taxing.
Hot_Stick_1040 t1_j209ih9 wrote
Reply to How do shifts work on really long medical operations? by TerjiD
Not surgery related but in our icu our intensivists shifts are literally a week long. They are on site for as long as they need to be during the day (07:00-19:00 but as late as 23:00 some days) rounding /doing procedures /meeting with family /admitting new patients /consults /code team then they go home when all of that is done, but come back for any problems /crises and are on call the entire time they are not on site. We had a patient ask his long the doctors shift was and when we told her, her eyes got really large lol. It’s unfortunate but it’s the model that is the least taxing.