Huegod t1_jaa0zfg wrote
Reply to [Ari Meirov] The NFL competition committee is expected to have discussions about the third QB rule, which would allow teams to have an emergency QB in uniform (a 47th active player) on gamedays, in case of a worst case scenario situation (like the 49ers in the NFC Championship Game). by IrwinRSchyster1
Or the 49ers could have gone wishbone, single wing, Maryland I, or any other running formations.
What if the third guy gets hurt? Allow for an in-game trade?
Huegod t1_j9o8f0p wrote
Going back to rotory dial WHOSE WITH ME!
Huegod t1_j2d1hgh wrote
Depends. I don't care if its IN LA. Tons of good movies set in LA.
Now if its ABOUT LA yea I couldn't give a shit.
Huegod t1_ixtshp2 wrote
Reply to Did Bridge to Terabithia emotionally scar anyone else as much as it emotionally scarred me? by Getofffmycloud
I have yet to watch the film. The book hit hard enough
Huegod t1_jdpp7x9 wrote
Reply to Actors who went to Acting School vs Actors who did not. Which list do you prefer? by Dry_Western_2342
It's really one list as the ones who didn't, imitate the ones who did by and large.