
t1_iujfu3w wrote

> Im definitely glad that Snowden exposed what he did, and we have seen some tiny data regulation reforms, like GDPR, which aren't nearly enough yet, but I honestly think Snowden is a bit of a traitor.

Uh, the GDPR is an EU law, and doesn't apply to the US. So at best Europe had data reforms but the US is still doing the same thing as before.


t1_iujfjt2 wrote

Basically, the FISA court (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court) has a classified ruling that spying on American citizens by the NSA was totally legit because...reasons. That you are not allowed to know. That where (and still are) probably not constitutional, but they're going to do it anyway.

Don't think too hard about the fact that your government is spying on you, that nobody has seen the inside of a jail after mass theft of American assets in 2008, that we are engaged is massive spending to foreign governments while US citizens struggle to buy food and gas, etc.

Instead, be very afraid of Jan 6/BLM/Trump/Antifa/whatever. Those are the issues that really matter. /s


t1_iujehzz wrote

This isn't entirely true. He was traveling through Russia to South America when his US passport was revoked. He never initially planned to stay in Russia (but yes, has since then become a Russian citizen).

Since then he's been pretty quiet about Russia, sure, but since his life depends on it, it's kind of hard to be all that critical.