
Hussar_Regimeny t1_iwe4x57 wrote

That tweet Berger made in 2017 about A1 being in 2023. A1 would have launched earlier this year or later late last year had COVID not slowed and delayed work on everything. Also that storm that stopped work at Michourd that slowed work for a few months in 2018. Took time to clean and repair after that. Not to mention hurricane Ian last time A1 tried to launch

Impossible to predict events (COVID especially). That 2017 was pure ass-pull nothing about him is an oracle


Hussar_Regimeny t1_isrnaql wrote


I should point out that the ECLSS has been tested extenstively on the ground already. Sending up with A1 will give little to no new data. The only way to stress test an ECLSS is to have humans aboard. Plus parts of it at the very least have been tested onboard the ISS

Plus it's not uncommon to not place the ECLSS on flights. DM-1 didn't have one and then DM-2 flew with humans and with the ECLSS for the first time. So this isn't the ludicrous action you think it is.
