IAmDotorg t1_j9u58e9 wrote
Reply to comment by strikinglightning in Anyone else hate 3D movies? by sadlibra
There's no consumer 4K container format for them. That said, there are still lots of 4K-compatible 3D projectors. Epson still makes them, Benq makes them, Optima makes them. And when you get into the $$$$ range, there's quite a few, too. Barco makes a couple, IIRC.
Unfortunately, a firmware update won't help on a projector that doesn't have 3D support, because you need a wireless or IR sync signal being generated for the glasses.
IMO, at-home 3D will end up with a resurgence as newer feather-weight VR/AR headsets start to come down in price. The viewing experience of a 3D movie with a headset is orders of magnitude better better than with 3D glasses.
IAmDotorg t1_j9u4i5i wrote
Reply to comment by SnowyDesert in Anyone else hate 3D movies? by sadlibra
Hey, did you know there was a pandemic recently, too?
What else have you not noticed in the last decade?
IAmDotorg t1_j9u4a4t wrote
Reply to comment by withWhomatethepizza in Anyone else hate 3D movies? by sadlibra
Post-conversion 3D where there weren't lidar maps made during filming is gimmicky.
Even Avatar 2 wasn't shot in real 3D, for the most part. (Of course, given it was mocaped and rendered.)
Live-shot 3D kind of sucks because you don't end up with enough data to do compositing correctly, and you can easily shoot things that end up with uncomfortable artifacts for the viewer that you can't fix after the fact.
IAmDotorg t1_j9u3x8b wrote
Reply to comment by ViolentAmbassador in Anyone else hate 3D movies? by sadlibra
Titanic's conversion is equally as good. Of course, James Cameron spent the better part of a year individually reviewing every frame of it, which is a little nutty. But the results were spectacular.
IAmDotorg t1_j295k89 wrote
Reply to comment by Revoltingmind in Bullet train is a really good film by memer2239
An advertisement is an ad, not an add. Add is short for addition.
IAmDotorg t1_j2907hg wrote
Reply to comment by HitchlikersGuide in Bullet train is a really good film by memer2239
Its basically one of Brad Pitt's comedy-action movies. He gets to be funny, blood gets to fly. A powerful set of equally comedic costars makes it exactly what it promises to be.
IAmDotorg t1_j28zuqo wrote
Reply to comment by Revoltingmind in Bullet train is a really good film by memer2239
If you're going to make half-assed accusatory jokes, at least make an effort at spelling.
IAmDotorg t1_j9ujmvc wrote
Reply to comment by strikinglightning in Anyone else hate 3D movies? by sadlibra
Then 5040 and 5050 are faux-K and 3D. I think the 5060 is, too? The 5040 can't do 4k/60 in anything but 8 bit 4:2:0, though, so it has some shitty 4k limitations in a world of video devices that force 60fps.