ICEpear8472 t1_j1rl8qm wrote
Reply to comment by anna_pescova in Russia ready to resume gas supplies to Europe via Yamal-Europe pipeline -Novak by IndependentTHNKR
There are also new long term contracts with other suppliers. Even if Europe wants to buy Russian gas again it will not be as much as in the past. At least not for quite a while. Gas usage has gone down and a lot of the old Russian market share has been substituted by other suppliers on the long term. Something which can due to the contracts not just be undone.
ICEpear8472 t1_j6482fc wrote
Reply to comment by Joseph20102011 in German finance ministry firmly rejects new EU common debt by BubsyFanboy
Yes but that is something which probably no EU country is currently willing to do. Some countries want to have common debt but right now they for sure do not want everything else which comes with a common fiscal policy. Even agreeing on a common tax and tax-collection system would be a stretch. Common policies on how to spend tax money even more so.