IIAOPSW t1_jdngab6 wrote
Reply to comment by DistantStorm-X in 16 stories beneath midtown Manhattan, NYC by PonyEnglish
So...that's the excuse you're going with for Second Ave phase 2 not being built?
IIAOPSW t1_jcuqnpz wrote
Reply to New York Can’t Build, LaGuardia Rail Edition by GND52
Between this and pretending that there's no existing ENY tunnel for IBX, I'm starting to think there's people on the committee intentionally trying to sabotage these projects.
IIAOPSW t1_jcnjfd2 wrote
Reply to comment by ottprim in NYC Subway Fare over last 120 years adjusted for inflation by dust1990
This is almost true. It was a political thing, but mayors didn't run on it. Rather, the 5 cent fare was a stipulation in the dual contracts the city had with the IRT and BMT to build and operate the subway. These companies couldn't legally raise their fares.
IIAOPSW t1_jcniv1s wrote
Reply to comment by User-no-relation in NYC Subway Fare over last 120 years adjusted for inflation by dust1990
Well, the first part of the graph from 1904 to 1954 is a historical accident. Basically the subway was built by contracting it out to private companies, namely the BMT and IRT. But the city couldn't afford the full price up front, so part of the payment was that these companies got to also run the service and collect fares. Part of the contracts made certain stipulations to prevent these companies from screwing the public, among them being fares were capped at 5 cents. Flash forward 50 years, inflation happens but fares are still capped. Populist view both companies as "greedy corporations" and have been trying to murder them since the 20s, and so they finally get their wish. Neither company could stay solvent at that price cap, and no elected official wanted to amend the contract and let them raise it. The city buys up the bankrupt private operators which is how we get to where we are today. Then for the first time fares get to rise to match (and apparently surpass) inflation.
IIAOPSW t1_jcficso wrote
Reply to comment by NetQuarterLatte in Nearly 1,500 buildings ban Airbnb and other short-term rentals by fluffykintail
I'm impressed ngl. Its so fucking ballsy you just have to respect it.
IIAOPSW t1_jcetf78 wrote
Reply to comment by WednesdayKnights in Latest subway cars roll into service, start their journey on the A line by kuberlog
Oh sure they could hire him, but he keeps doing it for free.
IIAOPSW t1_jc0wqwd wrote
Reply to comment by kuberlog in Latest subway cars roll into service, start their journey on the A line by kuberlog
IIAOPSW t1_jbyls09 wrote
Reply to 1664 New Amsterdam becomes New York, English warships in the harbor. Looking S on Broadway from the Wall. wwwsavingny.com for reconstructions, 3/15 NYC Fire Museum Opening by Impressive_Run_6557
Did the New Amsterdam Post at least publish a terrible headline pun about the war ships?
IIAOPSW t1_jbxk9f0 wrote
Reply to comment by WednesdayKnights in Latest subway cars roll into service, start their journey on the A line by kuberlog
I don't remember that. I do remember the guy with this lifetime obsession / mental disorder that impersonated MTA officials like a dozen times before working up the courage to finally hijack a train straight out the yard. He then drove it like he stole it. By which I mean calmly and normally so as not to attract police attention. He operated it perfectly safely making all stops as normal. He had studied the shit out of everything. His one true crime was operating an MTA vehicle on schedule.
To this day, no one really knows why this grown man didn't just apply for a job at the MTA.
IIAOPSW t1_jbv0ley wrote
Reply to comment by IRequirePants in Latest subway cars roll into service, start their journey on the A line by kuberlog
tossing you keys
IIAOPSW t1_jbuwn04 wrote
Reply to comment by kellyformula in Latest subway cars roll into service, start their journey on the A line by kuberlog
Its only autism when you fail at life. When you're successful its neurodiversity. You know the difference between Mark Zuckerberg and an aspergers diagnosis? A billion dollars.
Hmm lets see. Obsessed with trains, deeply into routines and organization, speak bluntly because unconcerned with social graces, hyper focused on details nobody else gives a shit about, often found in very technical fields like data science... Fuck yeah I want a neurodiverse mayor. In fact, I want the whole civic service to be neurodiverse as fuck. I can't think of a single government function which wouldn't benefit from having them run it. From now on, no more hiring normies at city hall.
When the neurodiverse come to power, second ave subway will finally get done. So will every other transit project. They won't get fatigued by arguments with karens and nimbys, their capacity to not back down no matter who it upsets is unparalleled. Corruption will end because it would be too upsetting to them to break the rules. All the named streets will become numbered. Queens will finally have a real grid system, by way of bulldozer if need be. It will be a utopia. Frankly, we should have made these people into the political class ages ago.
IIAOPSW t1_jburuxx wrote
Reply to comment by MarkMan267 in Latest subway cars roll into service, start their journey on the A line by kuberlog
Before everything got up tight over 9/11, pilots were happy to entertain kids curious about the cockpit. Most people were in fact totally cool with it for "just a few seconds" or "eh, its just for fun".
Malbone Street was not an instance of letting someone unqualified-but-supervised touch the controls for a bit. Malbone street happened because the BRT hired some union scabs and then tossed them the keys with basically no training. There was nobody over Luciano's shoulder telling him to slow down when he took that 6 mph turn at over 30 mph. It was not a one off ride with him either, he had been operating the train unqualified and unsupervised for about a week. Don't bait and switch me, I know my history too.
IIAOPSW t1_jbu7ww6 wrote
Reply to I animated my Whitney Museum watercolor by majozaur
I'm modestly tempted to figure out how to do this with back lights under paper or cellophane in a physical format.
IIAOPSW t1_jbu50g2 wrote
Reply to comment by MarkMan267 in Latest subway cars roll into service, start their journey on the A line by kuberlog
I wasn't qualified as a kid either but they still let me push the lever for a few min.
Come on, we're not talking about throwing them the keys and shouting "comebackinanhour". I'm sure its perfectly safe with an engineer over their shoulder backseat driving for the duration of a photo op.
IIAOPSW t1_jbtsyh8 wrote
Reply to comment by BijouPyramidette in Latest subway cars roll into service, start their journey on the A line by kuberlog
This is all nearly perfect but its not the track gauge that is different its the tunnel width and turning radius.
IIAOPSW t1_jbtn3t2 wrote
Reply to comment by clarkepov in Latest subway cars roll into service, start their journey on the A line by kuberlog
40 years is a reasonable service lifespan to sxpect. New cars are being rolled out, literally that's what this article is. They are being replaced exactly on time for when they are due for replacement. You wouldn't want an Apple style consumerist bullshit purchasing cycle on transit infrastructure. It would be prohibitively costly with no real benefit. Lasting from the late 80s up to now is a feature not a flaw.
IIAOPSW t1_jbs3z5v wrote
Reply to comment by ratheismhater in Latest subway cars roll into service, start their journey on the A line by kuberlog
You'll have to beat me first.
IIAOPSW t1_jbrkrdb wrote
When the IRT opened, the Mayor was given the honor of operating the first train. The engineer and the IRT president were in the cabin, trying to find the right words to inform the mayor his speed was unsafe without pissing off this politically important figure. Supposedly he was like a child with a new toy, and refused for a short while to yield control. What were they going to do, kick him out?
I'd like to see Adams or Hochul operate the inaugural trains. Not cause I like them, but because I'd like to see it established as a historical tradition. A nice perk of the office. "Actually get something upgraded, and we'll let you play with the trains for an hour."
IIAOPSW t1_jb0blef wrote
Reply to If you’re ever annoyed by service changes because of “Track Repair”, never forget the hard work behind them that keeps our subway alive. by beechcraft10
Tilt shift it so that it looks like a toy train please.
IIAOPSW t1_jarbt5b wrote
Reply to comment by Colombia17 in SHOCKER: Mayor's private BQE meeting could divide Brooklyn politicians by psychothumbs
The G, J, and technically the M. Though there is a noticeable transit desert which can and should be bridged. The tracks are there ffs.
IIAOPSW t1_japufrq wrote
Reply to My OMNYCard design by NYCBikeLanes
since there is no swipe direction, maybe change the bottom text to "Andrew Cuomo (Governor)". Give it that real vintage laughably out of date appeal.
IIAOPSW t1_jallpfd wrote
Reply to comment by fukwhutuheard in NYC is more ethnically diverse, less racially segregated, report finds by Ice_Business
most diverse words living together in same sentence.
IIAOPSW t1_jaep3x8 wrote
Reply to comment by Rottimer in DOT misspells Jackie Robinson’s name on Jackie Robinson Parkway by KatzDeli
I have a similar system for remembering exactly where all the streets are.
IIAOPSW t1_jaeov28 wrote
Reply to comment by onyourrite in DOT misspells Jackie Robinson’s name on Jackie Robinson Parkway by KatzDeli
Mario Cuomo
IIAOPSW t1_jdngfwk wrote
Reply to comment by Tsquare43 in 16 stories beneath midtown Manhattan, NYC by PonyEnglish
No one is talking. You're schistophrenic.