
Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jap7cxn wrote

> And although the gap may have been narrowed in many U.S. cities, nationally there is still a ways to go.

> The Institute for Women's Policy Research says that women who work full-time jobs in the U.S. are paid 83 cents on the dollar when compared with men.

And once again, your own sources immediately disagree with you


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jap4e61 wrote

Just admit that neither you or Jordan Peterson has the first idea what you’re talking about here and learn from your mistake.

You haven’t found a single thing that supports your position because you have completely failed to understand what gender pay gap means.

That’s fine. You can always learn. But now that you’ve been told and read at least four articles that have also explained it to you, your continued ignorance is clearly wilful.

This isn’t a matter of opinion. You are stone cold wrong and every single thing you’ve posted shows it.


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jaoxuy1 wrote

Your quote literally describes the pay gap exactly as I did.

Have you read any of this or are you just in full rage mode?

> > “The wage gap persists when comparing women to men across similar education level, occupation, income and race.”

Your quote from you link, mate. Clear as day. Says the same in all your other links too - the same thing I told you too

Just admit you didn’t know what gender pay gap means - not does Peterson or Tate or any of your other pet charlatans


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jaokytd wrote

There are indeed many different phenomena that skew the average male. Women choosing professions that make less money is among them.

The question is, of course, why is it that professions chosen by women almost always seem to be valued less monetarily, even when they’re among the most important and in demand jobs in society.

Taking care of families is another part of it.

And, while it’s not an issue for you, it is an issue for women and the government who have to plan and account for the personal and community impacts of an enormous section of society being less prepared for an independent and healthy retirement


Ian_ronald_maiden t1_jam1rf1 wrote

The only people making that claim are guys like you, who are claiming it doesn’t exist because you’ve failed to understand what it means or what is being represented by data such as that in the OP.

The fact that many of you bought a ridiculous line from some Peterson-like clown doesn’t make it any less ridiculous, unfortunately.

Gender pay gaps are a real thing - and they’re not the product of any nefarious conspiracy .