
IceHBerg t1_j6anauv wrote

This is a very good comment, and it is spot on in why it seems men of that time were more affectionate towards each other. We do have old photographs from the infancy of photography in which men are holding hands. Co-workers or friends. Just this simple gesture of holding hands means something different to us, but at that time it was merely a gesture of friendship. There was no question at the time, obviously they merely friends.

In my country around that time the practice of, when meeting people, kissing them once on each cheek regardless of gender was still well alive. There was nothing about it that was considered sexual, society just regarded it as the way people greeted each other.


IceHBerg t1_j26beea wrote

To me, always, Jon Irenicus. The villain that made Baldurs Gate 2 so enjoyable. And later of course Gul Madred and then some other roles. But man, without his voice Irenicus would not have been half as menacing.


IceHBerg t1_ixf66e4 wrote

I agree with this. I’m keeping this vague to avoid spoilers but if you’ve watched it you know what I mean. I’ve mostly seen people assume that the reveal at the end of the season is the real deal. But it’s been set up to say that you can’t be sure what is and is not real. For all we know, season 2 starts with us seeing cracks in that as well. I’m curious to see what they do with season 2 as well, I doubt they’ll do thing as straightforward as many people seem to assume. Dark didn’t exactly follow that rule.