
Icy_Vegetable1933 t1_iyajf8n wrote

Yes I remember my Sundaras also gave me jaw pressure. Not sure why they did and my future 6XX and Arya's don't since they have egg shaped earpads that come lower, or why my Emu Teaks don't with their circular pads. Weird to hear other people having the same thing. Wonder if a headband replacement would resolve it.


Icy_Vegetable1933 t1_itvm82m wrote

I thought I had good ears and could tell a difference when I "upgraded"...


I had a class A amp and a denafrips ares II, volume matched them and had my wife switch between that stack and a topping A90/D90 while I was turned around. Unfortunately couldn't tell a difference at all.. then threw the TA-26 in the mix. same story.


Ended up selling everything but the topping gear, can't beat features and power at this point.. I just think we're at a point where the chip DACs and chip amps are just too good.


Icy_Vegetable1933 t1_itr21zu wrote

Yep, tube rolled on a TA-26 with 6XX. Could honestly not hear a difference between tubes, or between the A90 and TA-26. Just a waste of money IMO. I'm happy that people enjoy tubes and keep them around, but I really wish the difference between solid state and tube wasn't so overexaggerated in audio circles.