
IllustriousAd5963 t1_iwnj1nh wrote

Do you live in Connecticut? Because this website says it's only --- 818 hours --- of basic training to become CT cop. Can you fill me in on what the facts are for this, or a site where I can see for myself?

Another couple sites say it's --- 900 hours --- of training for Connecticut police.


IllustriousAd5963 t1_iwb2b3j wrote

oh god, it got longer 😳 lol, man, how does this person live and function. gotta be like a 14-16 yr-old range type of kid. my gooness mate. can relax on all that.

I didn't read but maybe 2 lines of the 1st one, and nothing at all of the 2nd book. out of maybe 100-200 people who glance at your 2 book-messages here, probably only around 2-3 will actually read them... more than 1-2 lines of em. it's a waste unless you're using them almost entirely for yourself.


IllustriousAd5963 t1_iwb1gmy wrote

well actcthually...

lol, yeah you're right but like, coulda said it in 100 less words:

"we know you're being sarcastic about "2x budget = 2x profit" but to add:

  • wick series grew in popularity/awareness
  • wick series storyline remained fun/exciting
  • higher budget allowed for + exhilarating stunts"

boom, done.


IllustriousAd5963 t1_iqugwvt wrote

Fill the Concorde with Japanese people and the Airbus A380 with Americans and you'll see a ⬆️⬇️ in the fuel efficiency lol.

✏️ v 🍐

You might not think it matters, but in all seriousness though, the average weight of the passengers on an aircraft, especially one that can hold half of a thousand at 500-800 passengers, the difference in weight between 500 avg Japanese people and 500 avg Americans could be... extremely catastrophic, at 20,000-40,000 pounds difference, enough to sink an airship if it was full of fuel, luggage, and people.