
ImportantRope t1_jajjo5l wrote

First noticed it when I heard a single drop of water somewhere down in the plumbing while in the bathroom, thought it was strange I heard that. Mentioned it to my friend with longtime tinnitus last time we were on it and he was like you know what, you're right and my eyesight is a lot better too. His eyes have been really bad since he kicked alcohol. Pretty interesting stuff.


ImportantRope t1_j785bxz wrote

Not saying my personal anecdotes are data, but in my experience my trips always lead to me examining my health and things I could be doing better on. A couple I knew was going through a handle of whiskey a week during the pandemic, and one trip on mushrooms led to them not touching it for over 6 months, which is awesome for them.

Not saying that proves any thing causally, but I'd be interested in study results that explored it a bit more because it would be awesome if it could help people.


ImportantRope t1_j1baba3 wrote

Locally at least we had record people hitting the trails in record number. I'm not prepared to defend all local and state government decisions, obviously there's going to be some big mistakes in there. Doesn't make every public health measure wrong


ImportantRope t1_j1b9hwg wrote

I don't know what media you were watching but that wasn't never the narrative I heard, even from the beginning. This seems to be the mistake I hear from people with your point of view all the time. It's a selfish one that doesn't understand society and public health. Yes the majority of deaths were not young, healthy people. But with just obesity being a co-morbidity that's 42% of the population. Then throw in diabetes, asthma, smoking, heart conditions, and the elderly and a majority of your population is at risk. The more people that get sick, the more people it spreads to. This is epidemiology 101. The only way to try to protect an at risk population that large is to try to slow the spread and not overwhelm your healthcare system. Should be really easy to understand. More and more research is pointing to long term complications from COVID without it being fatal, so it's not only death is the only consequence to consider.


ImportantRope t1_j1b62oz wrote

This would be a false equivalency, takeout with proper precautions should be fairly low risk. Sit down to eat with a mask off is obviously theater. Of course you're trying to compare eating junk food to working out. Obesity is a different epidemic and we can discuss solutions to that but I have my doubts you care that much.


ImportantRope t1_j1aj10g wrote

While it sounds nice to be able to differentiate between gyms with excellent ventilation and not, in practicality it's quite a logistical nightmare. How are you determining which gyms are allowed to stay open? Is a garage door open enough? What defines good enough ventilation? Can you still have a class of people breathing on each other? Who is checking all these things? The reality is that you need to be able to take public health measures during a pandemic, and closing gyms which are going to be major sources of disease spreading, is a no brainer. It's a weird hill to die on imo. Theres more ways to exercise than the gym, I know because I've been doing it.


ImportantRope t1_j1afr13 wrote

The person I was replying to said that, saw it multiple times in the comments, even someone saying they have no idea why the president didn't come out and tell people to exercise for 30 minutes. It seems your complaint is a bit different though, rather than they closed all gyms rather than certain gyms? This is all going to be heavily regionalized as well


ImportantRope t1_j19kiyp wrote

I mean do you think the government telling people to exercise and change their diets is really going to do anything? Are you that naive? They've been trying to do that for years to fight the obesity epidemic. It hasn't been working. People know their lifestyles are unhealthy, it's not a knowledge problem. It's a society problem. We've created a society where it's cheap and easy to eat crap and be sedentary.

When my grandparents were alive their doctor tried to get them to be more active and change their diet and they tried but we're talking about a lifetime's worth of habits you're trying to change. It doesn't happen overnight and it won't happen during a pandemic. Even if it did, it's going take time for people to reap the benefits and you don't have time.

Gyms happen to be a terrible place for spreading airborne disease. You have people breathing heavily and swearing everywhere. Understand there's a lot that goes into decisions leading to shutting down a gym. Less infection equals less bad health outcomes. I was a daily gym goer for a decade and started working out at home, you wouldn't find me in a gym during a pandemic.