
Inaksa t1_j9s28v8 wrote

I can speak about the argentina case (i would assume is the same in other countries) there are a few reason:

  1. no credit even a couple with an above average or average income is not able to get a mortage.

  2. salaries are ultra low but houses are valued in usd.

  3. traditionally real estate was seen as the safest way to store wealth. If you put the money in the bank there might be a confiscatory measure (see Argentina’s crisis of 2001, particularly “corralito”) or a goverment pushed devaluation. As properties are valued in USD here, the government would be una le to take your house and you would have those savings protected, eventually you could sell the property.


Inaksa t1_j3u6chi wrote

I understand what you are saying. In Argentina (and many countries) there were this private administered funds (specially during the 90s) and pensions were forced into them. Eventually what those entities did was gamble the funds buying high risk bonds, and you can picture how that went.

I dont trust my government, but even less an unaccountable private entity to guard those funds. You may say that couldnt happen in your country but when it does you end up with the government having to foot the bill in order for citizens to be able to survive. It sucks but those are the rules of the game apparently


Inaksa t1_iwuph3z wrote

Leave her stuff at the door, and dont look back. In Argentina we use the phrase: “sali de ahi maravilla” meaning get out of that situation. If you have strong feelings about you gf: Get out of there as soon as possible, try to avoid stretching it, you will only make healing more hard on you, your gf seems to enjoy playing with your mind and she knows how you are feeling, given she wants to keep going says she is a manipulative person.