
IncidentNo4550 t1_j2fmfvu wrote

I'm not in Hampden. I'm in 21218. But for comparison, I have a 1344 square foot rowhouse (not end of group), and have been here 13.5 years. My highest BGE bill was $291.97 in July 2020. The average has been just under $135. The bill I got last week was $145.23, and my next one (which will include the recent cold snap) is currently projected to be $197. I honestly couldn't imagine paying two to three times as much.


IncidentNo4550 t1_itvrydq wrote

Reply to comment by skeenek in Water Bill (RANT) by The_Waxies_Dargle

Not "recent" as in a couple of months, but they've grown a lot over time.

If I'm correctly interpreting the "Historic Rate Increases" on the DPW website (, then the water and wastewater rates (which don't include things like account management and stormwater fees) have increased 333% since I bought my house in 2009.

And over the last 20 years, they've increased 580%. Cumulative inflation (according to has been about 65% over the same 20 years.
That's pretty significant.