
t1_j60qoko wrote

I can't believe a 16yr old is being down voted for not wanting his parents arrested. Not to mention having autism and dealing with all the implications with having your parents who provide for you arrested. He has a very good point here as well, yeah I'm sure the cops are just gonna go

"Ah well, he said they stole it so, book em boys!"

Let's say it does play it like that, now what's he gonna do? Maybe some family member would take him in, if they're not against him for putting parents in jail. If not then what, the foster care system?

I can only think it's children replying to you or people absolutely out of touch with reality. OP Sorry your parents are ignorant and treat you like this, I don't know your situation at all but if your parents aren't utterly evil then make it well known you won't stand being walked over, don't let them hide you away and shelter you from things if you feel you can handle whatever it is.

Some parents are very ignorant to the point of causing harm, unless it's truly abusive and being on the streets is better, then as someone who had fairly ignorant parents what improved my situation is standing up for myself. I don't know your full situation I can only offer that surface level advice, best of luck.