IndependenceSpecial9 t1_j62sdu2 wrote on January 27, 2023 at 8:24 AM Reply to CT's legislature salaries are starvation wages, $28k/year. You have to be retired or rich to serve. This is regressive and should be changed. by MormonReformist You’re telling me I can take five additional months off per year and make 12k more? Sign me up, rich bastards Permalink 1
IndependenceSpecial9 t1_j62sdu2 wrote
Reply to CT's legislature salaries are starvation wages, $28k/year. You have to be retired or rich to serve. This is regressive and should be changed. by MormonReformist
You’re telling me I can take five additional months off per year and make 12k more? Sign me up, rich bastards