
t1_j7rj8al wrote

The city has used wage taxes vs property taxes as a way of funding their government. Its not an elephant party thing, since they haven't been in charge in Philly for almost a century. So both parties are OK with regressive taxes, as long as they get their money. What is worse about the city wage tax is dividends and interest income are excluded. So you could be a billionaire, live in the city and pay $0 in wage taxes if you aren't collecting a salary. However, if you are a business owner you are taxed far more if than if your business was just outside the city. And if you are too poor to own a car, and need to buy necessities to live, those are going to cost more than your neighbors in Montco or Bucks, since you can't drive across county lines.


t1_j7rfkoy wrote

If you live in the city or work in the city you need to pay the tax. So if you live outside the city and are now a remote employee you do not need to pay the tax.

I live in the city and work outside the city, so I pay the tax regardless if I am remote or in the office.

NYC is in a legal battle with NJ/Conn over this issue as its tax base took a serious hit with remote work.


t1_j7r0ywb wrote

The corruption in this city is second to nowhere, and its been run by one party for 70 years. So those in charge have nobody to blame but themselves. I mean the unions put a guy in city council and kept him on the union's payroll, then cry foul when the FBI charges the union leader and councilmember with corruption.

As far as limits on tax, we have to pay an additional 2% sales tax, a soda tax and a wage tax. The sales tax exemption was approved by the state. The working poor and middle class folks are paying these taxes, especially in today's remote working environment. And yet we still can't buy books for kids in schools.


t1_j7qxpx7 wrote

And yet Philadelphia, one of the poorer counties in the state, has the highest income tax and sales tax. There is zero incentive for a high income earning family to live here, unless they make their money on non-waged income (i.e., interest and dividends). Add in the "soda tax" and the poor and low income families are taxed thru the roof.


t1_j27452a wrote

I believe you can get your vehicle inspected 3 months before expiration. I used to get my car with Feb expiration stickers inspected this week since I was always off work, and my work schedule in Feb was usually very hectic.

I also bought my wife a car where the inspection and tag renewal were off by 3 months and my mechanic moved my inspection sticker out a month for 3 years until they were aligned.

I don’t see how a police officer could do anything to you should you get pulled over since they would have no way of knowing your vehicle inspection stickers were now on a different expiration month.


t1_j07l0ck wrote

"Mr. Toomey declined an interview request through his staff, but a top Republican aide on the Banking Committee said the veteran lawmaker objected to the legislation being tucked into the National Defense Authorization Act — a must-pass bill — without any hearings."

I'm never a fan of when they tuck shit like this in bills that have to be passed, so I find myself in the odd position of agreeing with Toomey on this one (assuming what is quoted from the article is true).