Independent_Plum2166 t1_ja9isz6 wrote
Reply to comment by bizarre_leviathan in What is best meme that came out of gaming to you? by bizarre_leviathan
Pay respects 🫡
Independent_Plum2166 t1_ja2nuvj wrote
Reply to I loved this game as a kid and is still one of my all time favorite zeldas, but what did everyone else think about it? by 69helloreddit69
Spirit Tracks is superior (though Linebeck is still the GOAT).
Independent_Plum2166 t1_j6ok6mr wrote
Reply to comment by Square_Saltine in This game is so beautiful and aesthetic that I have revisit it every couple of years by Wonder-Lad
Independent_Plum2166 t1_j6o9zmi wrote
Reply to comment by RyuTeruyama in Which game sequel is better than the original? by illbeurHuckleberry69
Eh, Ace Attorney 2 was the weakest of the original trilogy, I’d agree with 3 though, that was a good game.
Independent_Plum2166 t1_j6o7vmm wrote
Reply to comment by scotchfree_gaming in This game is so beautiful and aesthetic that I have revisit it every couple of years by Wonder-Lad
It had very mixed reception, so I doubt Ubisoft would risk rereleasing it. Heck, even if they did it probably end up like the Sands of Time remake.
Independent_Plum2166 t1_j6hb02z wrote
Reply to comment by SnappDraggin in What is the creepiest/scariest video game villain of all time? I'll go first by ClickDisDotCom
Man when I figured out that on a weirdly subconscious level, unless your “in the know” some people literally can’t say La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo and casually say La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo without even realising they aren’t saying La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo at all, it really put into perspective how much power the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo had in the later stages of the MGS series.
Independent_Plum2166 t1_ja9izg4 wrote
Reply to What is best meme that came out of gaming to you? by bizarre_leviathan
“I’m Commander Shepard and this is my favourite store on the Citadel.”
Not my favourite, but still sticks in my mind.
Is it even a meme, or just an iconic quote?