
Indotex t1_ixwgixw wrote

I agree. Granted, I first read it twenty years ago and liked it. Reread it about ten years ago and still liked it. My last rereading though a few years ago, I honestly couldn’t get past the first few chapters because >!I realized that everybody, with possibly the exception of Nick Carraway (the narrator) only care about themselves and lack basic empathy.!<


Indotex t1_ixsgnh0 wrote

If you really like my thoughts on it, here you go (spoilers):

I recently tried reading it for the first time as a 41M. And I could not finish it. I read about a third of it and it just seemed that >!Holden Caulfield was a spoiled rich kid who couldn’t stop complaining about his life. Yes, it sucks about his brother dying but it’s like he can’t appreciate his privileged upbringing.!<

Perhaps if I read more of it, I would’ve enjoyed it but I found it boring.

Bring on the downvotes!I was asked for my thoughts on it and these are them!