
Ishanarchy t1_jd34vky wrote

I never thought I'd find myself in the middle of a horror story. Yet, there I was, driving through the deserted mountain roads of Uttarakhand, India at night, wondering if the high fare was worth it. As I drove further into the mountains in my trusty black ford, the roads became more winding and narrow, and the darkness seemed to envelop me. My passenger, an old gentlemen with a grey beard, was sleeping peacefully through the ride.

For hours, my path was lonely, with my engine being the only disturbance in the mountains. But suddenly, I spotted another car's lights in the distance. I could even spot the car model, a dusty white Honda Civic. We drove together for a bit before the car turned off the road and disappeared into the darkness. The road ahead was empty once more. However, now I could see another white car's headlights in my rear-view mirror.

I had been driving alone for so long that the sudden presence of yet another vehicle was jarring. I felt as though I was in some kind of a strange, eerie dream, where nothing made sense. I tried to concentrate on the road ahead. As soon as I looked away, I could no longer see the car in my rear-view mirror. But another car had appeared right in front of me.

Was it the same car from before? I could clearly remember the car taking a steep turn and disappearing. I slowed down a little to see if the car behind me would catch up, but there was no sign of it.

I looked back for a second to see if the passenger was up, and immediately saw the bright white light of a car behind me again. The car ahead me was gone. At this point, I decided I needed a break. I pulled over, letting the other car pass. But no car did. My heart was pounding in my chest as I jolted my passenger awake and told him about what was happening.

"You should not have stopped the car. We have to walk to the next village. They’re coming."

The car failed to start. We stepped out of the car, the cold mountain air hitting us. I shivered, feeling a sense of unease. The cold air was making me weary, but the old man urged that we keep moving.

Suddenly there was a loud rumble of sorts, piercing through my ears. The man seemed to recognize it and told me to run. I could suddenly hear the sound of footsteps behind us, getting closer and closer. We broke into a run, our breathing ragged, our hearts pounding in our chests. Something was getting closer.

My passenger could not run any longer and urged me to escape without him. I reluctantly put my arm around him and helped him move. The chances of me surviving in this hell alone were slim anyway. He had started to chant something in a local language. I could not tell if the footsteps were behind me or ahead of me. Everything was getting blurry. I saw the old man walk ahead of me as my vision faded to black.

I was driving a car again. I was back on that road, and I spotted a car’s lights in the distance. Had I just blanked out? I drove fast as I could, trying to close the gap. As I drew closer, I could make out the model of the car. It was a black Ford, and I realized I was in a white Civic.


Ishanarchy t1_iwys6md wrote

A gunfight has broken out in Lagos city. I took cover behind a police car with my chief as the thugs spammed a machine gun. I knew I had to do something.

"You sure you got this kid? It could be dangerous."

I nodded and ran straight into the smoke. My nerves of steel, coupled with my iron stomach, had made me bulletproof. I used my hands to slice through the thugs, as I was sharp as a tack. I took down the whole operation in minutes, leaving only the leader alive.

"Tell me who sent you or you die like the rest of your crew."

"Heh.." grinned the mob leader, "you don't got the balls to kill me."

Oh you f***ing idiot. I felt my testicles retreating inside my body. Not again.

"Take. That. Back." I muttered, wincing. I just killed his crew, why would I not have the balls to kill him.

"I don't think you have the guts to kill someone as high profile as me. I'm too important." he said, smirking

"I don't even f***ing know you man." I could feel my guts starting to go too. I needed him to reverse his statements or I was done for.

"Just..just say that I have balls and I have guts...and I'll even let you go! For free!"

"Heh? You think I've believe that? I think you're full of sh-"


That was close. Didn't shoot him yet, just trying to scare the guy. I don't wanna know what will happen if he dies.

"'re a weirdo. Fine. You have balls and guts and stuff."

Thank f**k.

"Adam, are you okay?"

The chief and the rest of the police department had already arrived on the scene. I tried to slide away but the chief stopped me.

"Great job out there again kid. Your lead let us straight to them. You got a brain the size of Wisconsin!"
