
ItFromDawes t1_j2272ut wrote

Sorry for what you're going through. My Pixel 7 was also lost in the mail. I ordered directly from the Google store and the package never came despite the tracking info saying so. I emailed the customer service and they just sent me a replacement and it all worked out. I'm curious: was your package also from UPS? I think the delivery guy stole mine.


ItFromDawes t1_ixr2092 wrote

I don't think it needs to be a French accent either. I just think it's funny that it always defaults to English accents in these movies and that I actually like it. AFAIK most of the actors aren't even English so it's fun/interesting seeing Brendon Gleeson, Liam Neeson, Jaime Lannister, and Vorenus from Rome all try to sound the same.