
JFT8675309 t1_j1gyfgp wrote

According to the article, there are 15,000 - 20,000 holocaust survivors in NYC alone. According to a January 2020 article I found online: https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2020/01/25/archivists-are-racing-to-identify-every-jewish-holocaust-victim, (sorry, I don’t know how to do this the “right” way), there were 400,000 survivors at that time. My mind is blown that bodies and minds can go through what they went through, and so many still be alive ~80 years later.


JFT8675309 t1_isyz5np wrote

The top comment on the thread has a whole list of people supposedly slated to end up on US currency, and I was confused that Tubman wasn’t on it, as they’ve been talking for years about putting her face on US currency. It is nothing against this list of people (or Anna May Wong), but I don’t think she should be stepped over or forgotten. It’s great all these people will (hopefully) end up on currency.