
t1_ixamfs6 wrote

What one of the major issues here is: It's a generational issue.

Aboriginals abusing drugs and alcohol, not caring about the environment where they live. No pride in anything etc. Then they have kids.

The kids are left to their own devices and end up running amok. Since the parents aren't looking after them and guiding them in life they hang around, get into trouble and ultimately end up abusing drugs or alcohol and acting the same way their parents did... and the circle completes and continues on.

It doesn't matter what I say, people are going to just pull the "racist card" on me. It's not all Aboriginals, and it's a higher percentage than any other ethnic group. The ones why break that cycle are normal people just like everyone else.


t1_ixalv66 wrote

It's not racist to call out things exactly as they are. Just because you personally get upset over it doesn't mean it's racist.

If you want to forgo pulling out the "racist card" and want some debate and facts on the situation then I'm happy to discuss.


t1_ix6kucr wrote

Not true at all. Our health system doesn't discriminate. Actually, it does. It does in the way that Aboriginal People have their own specific health system on top of the normal public system. https://www.wa.gov.au/service/aboriginal-affairs/aboriginal-health-services

Apart from that straight up discrimination based on race, the health system treats everyone the same, regardless of race.

Most of the Aboriginal health problems are caused directly because of Aboriginal people causing the issues themselves.