
JackOSevens t1_jbj2gb0 wrote

Yeah this is called context. We've known for decades the same approach doesn't work with everyone.

Also, that's a shit situation you describe, but EVERY kid needs love and kindness. It's not unique. At the point where one student's behaviour repeatedly detracts from the class/school's safety (rare in general, but there's often one-a-school) you sometimes have to mitigate that one kid's presence temporarily for the good of the rest. It's not complex, it's just reality. Removing that ability helps no one...boundaries help kids.

Teachers aren't paid to infinitely take abuse and you can't expect the quality of education to be high when that's the case.


JackOSevens t1_jbheor3 wrote

Knocked it outta the park.

From elementary on up, schools across much of the US/Canada have never had less power to enforce any discipline. 'Discipline' is a no-no word itself. In trying to correct past over-suspensions (a legit issue), very little exists now at any level to correct shit behaviour. And it carries on up the line to highschool.