That’s about the distance between the Moon and Jupiter last night so high probability that it is.
Last night I could see Saturn and Mars with the naked eye, chances are you might be able to tonight. I’d definitely look for it. Mars has a reddish tint to it, Saturns a little more difficult to discern and could be mistaken for a star.
I recommend downloading “SkyView” to help you out, it’s how I was able to find Saturn last night.
Jackthedragonkiller t1_iva9r8o wrote
Reply to apologies for the amateur pic, but i think i spotted jupiter yesterday <3 still kinda new to this but it’s a topic i’ve been wanting to learn about forever by Aden487
That’s about the distance between the Moon and Jupiter last night so high probability that it is.
Last night I could see Saturn and Mars with the naked eye, chances are you might be able to tonight. I’d definitely look for it. Mars has a reddish tint to it, Saturns a little more difficult to discern and could be mistaken for a star.
I recommend downloading “SkyView” to help you out, it’s how I was able to find Saturn last night.