
JanetInSpain t1_j6oi8aa wrote

People change a lot from their late teens to early twenties. It's one of the most formative periods of our life. It isn't surprising that someone who worked great when you were 18 and 19 just isn't working anymore. Don't stay with someone just because you're already invested so much time. It's called Sunk Cost FALLACY for a reason.


JanetInSpain t1_ix2xr17 wrote

I especially turn to these when I've had a shit week or am sick and need curl-up-on-the sofa time.

The Sound of Music

The Princess Bride

Cinderella (the 1965 Rodgers & Hammerstein made-for-TV version)

The Little Mermaid

Finding Nemo


The Goonies

The Wizard of Oz

National Treasure


Monsters Inc.

The Last Starfighter