
John_th_Faptist t1_jch7p1s wrote

Oh no, there might be a hearing about things taught in school.....the fucking horror. They aren't banning anything. Only that if a parent has an issue with something in the curriculum that they have a hearing about it. Meaning if it's some crackpot bitching about sex ed, they will likely be shown the door after they are voted down. Now if they bring up a legitimate concern then perhaps it IS something to be looked at. Freedom means freedom to disagree with things, I feel that most of you have forgotten that, or never learned it to begin with.

So TLDR: calm your fucking tits


John_th_Faptist t1_jbjhuov wrote

The simple fact is that all this bill does is make it so that a child that believes or feels that they are trans cannot undergo any medical procedures until they be come a legal adult. Considering that a human brain doesn't finish completely developing until around 19-21 I don't think that's really that a terrible idea.
