John_th_Faptist t1_jc6tqxv wrote
Reply to What is the deal with the NH grid? by decayo
It's not the grid, it's the wet heavy snow breaking off branches and taking out powerlines.....are you a transplant?
John_th_Faptist t1_jbjhuov wrote
Reply to In testimony and rally, crowds oppose Republican-backed bills targeting LGBTQ youth by kitchinsink
The simple fact is that all this bill does is make it so that a child that believes or feels that they are trans cannot undergo any medical procedures until they be come a legal adult. Considering that a human brain doesn't finish completely developing until around 19-21 I don't think that's really that a terrible idea.
John_th_Faptist t1_j9b89b0 wrote
Reply to comment by No-Initiative4195 in NH c list by Royal_Gur_2651
It showers and shaves without a door or else it gets the hose again
John_th_Faptist t1_j9ajmcv wrote
Reply to NH c list by Royal_Gur_2651
Ted Bundy has entered the chat
John_th_Faptist t1_j95hsn7 wrote
Reply to Want to move my Girlfriend up to NH with me. Are there areas to avoid moving to? by [deleted]
Oh Christ here we go with the everywhere is racist bs....
John_th_Faptist t1_j8y3e0i wrote
Reply to hello, after living almost 8 years in NH , we are moving to AZ. bittersweet feelings. I am sad to leave our beautiful NH. anyone else moving out of state? do you have the same feelings of missing out on the mountains and the NE summer? by crazycurious7
I lived all over the country when I was in the Army, and for all the great places I lived I couldn't bring myself to live anywhere else after I got out.
John_th_Faptist t1_j5q4gzq wrote
Reply to Why does this state seem to lose power so frequently? It’s always related to downed power lines from trees? Or is this a grid issue? by JayBisky
It's a state full of bigass bull pines and we get a shit load of snow.....dare I say it's not an issue with the grid lol
John_th_Faptist t1_iz0rvmw wrote
Reply to comment by John_th_Faptist in First-time homebuyer programs? by Infinite100p
John_th_Faptist t1_iz0rsma wrote
Reply to First-time homebuyer programs? by Infinite100p
My ex wife and I went throw an FHA loan when we bought our house in 2012amd it went through pretty quick and was mostly painless.
John_th_Faptist t1_ir0pg5s wrote
Solid 8.5
John_th_Faptist t1_jch7p1s wrote
Reply to Did Footloose teach us nothing? by TheMobyDicks
Oh no, there might be a hearing about things taught in school.....the fucking horror. They aren't banning anything. Only that if a parent has an issue with something in the curriculum that they have a hearing about it. Meaning if it's some crackpot bitching about sex ed, they will likely be shown the door after they are voted down. Now if they bring up a legitimate concern then perhaps it IS something to be looked at. Freedom means freedom to disagree with things, I feel that most of you have forgotten that, or never learned it to begin with.
So TLDR: calm your fucking tits