Journalist_Ready t1_izp3qkt wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] You decide to abandon your youth by burning all of your toys from childhood. As you strike the match to light the bonfire you start hearing begging from the firepit to not burn them to death. by XantosZ
I would pour more gasoline
Journalist_Ready t1_iug3nys wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] The newly discovered planet "Earth" exhibits all the telltale signs of a rogue AI overlord (unhealthy long working hours, optimization for profit, widespread unhappiness, etc). But when you arrive to free them, there is no AI to destroy. by Glitch_twice_002
Journalist_Ready t1_iu98e44 wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] "You Have My Sword, and My Bow, My Axe and.... Druid, what is that?" "It's a weapon... From the future..." by Eddy44556565656
A m16a2
Journalist_Ready t1_itgi7dz wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [WP] A nerd with a miserable life makes a wish on a shooting star to be transported into a video game he made, where the game's AI inhabitants believe he's a god. Suddenly, he finds himself inside the game. Unfortunately, the inhabitants don't believe him when he says he's their god. by tsl3161991
Well time to start the flood
Journalist_Ready t1_j04ky0w wrote
Reply to comment by AutoModerator in [EU] “No, I won’t fly your sleigh tonight! You all hated me as a kid and still do, you’re only nice to me now because I’m useful to you!” by gameboy1001
"Well then I guess reindeer is back on the menu"