
Jrbobfishman t1_jbghyyi wrote

NPR is so far left in its constant pandering it’s become a total joke. All while being funded by “think tanks”, pharmaceutical companies and defense contractors. Let not even pretend you are getting fair and balanced news reporting. It’s a shame, I was once a huge fan but it slowly digressed into the soft spoken anti-Fox. It’s easier to see if you don’t belong to the left or the right tribe.


Jrbobfishman t1_jaazq08 wrote

It’s a tough call. Most riders wouldn’t be interested but it would be a shame to leave behind the handful that are into racing legitimately. I would hate to waste the opportunity to teach a teen who may be interested in excavation, motor building/ mechanics,racing or the a/v component of documenting races. So many positive skills can be learned from this type of atmosphere


Jrbobfishman t1_j26jkt2 wrote

Reply to Mudlarking? by blsavarese

The area south of insulator drive has some “beaches” that have some interesting finds. Tons of well worn “sea glass” , brick chunks and pottery. You might have to get a bit crafty to get back there with all the construction and keep an eye out for needles. Please stay out of the actual muddy areas in the harbor/Patapsco area. The stuff is like quicksand and full of chemicals, heavy metals ect