
JugglinB t1_j69kwog wrote

But it was expected. Someone somewhere was going to bring cholera into the camp, and when it happened it would be huge. It was one of the biggest worries that we (on the ground at the time) had.

Cholera was going to happen. The source for it unknown, but it was going to happen. That the UN brought it in is almost a mute point. Thousands of humanitarian workers from all over the globe swamped in. Some helpful, some (and I'll name one here - Scientology) not so much! (I can add details here if needed about planes carrying relief aid being delayed whilst they flew in auditors if needed). Again, once more with feeling - it was going to happen!

EDIT:. Loving the downvotes from people who weren't there, and probably have never worked in humanitarian missions anywhere - whilst I've worked all over the world. I'm sure you all know far more than me about it!

(Heads for the hills as this WILL bring in downvote avalanche - but seriously? I have 20 years experience in this... Before you downvote consider how much experience do YOU have in this area?)


JugglinB t1_j67wngc wrote

Hmmm... I was there a few weeks after the Earthquake, and cholera was one of the biggest worries about health care in the camps. There's even an interview with me by the AP where I say this - months before the October outbreak.

So no - I don't think it was entirely UN peacekeepers that did this. It was expected due to the quality of sanitation and water supply in the overcrowded camps.


JugglinB t1_itz3tbx wrote

I seem to remember that was one of Keynesian type economics ideas - pay a guy to dig a hole. Pay a guy to fill a hole. Both now have cash to spend on items that require workers to make and sell these items, who now have cash to spend on items that.... And so on....

Not an expert. Did one term on economics before switching to physics. The only science - "chemistry is just applied physics, and biology is just applied chemistry. Physics is the only science!" Quote from my physics lecturer not me...