JustSomeoneCurious t1_j8lz0ub wrote
Reply to comment by Atypicalicious in Once manufacturing moves almost entirely into space and the workers want drugs, gambling and prostitution and wanted criminals on Earth can escape to space, the solar system away from gravity wells will become largely lawless. Who will do the policing and how? by [deleted]
TL;DR - since infinite resources probably won't ever be a thing, space ships will still require ports of call, and will most likely operate under an extension of current maritime laws as agreed upon by whatever future collective of nations/corporations
agree and disagree - if you extend how ships at sea need to make port, ships in space will also have a similar need, unless space ships end up having a solution for infinite food/fuel/resources
In essence, whoever controls the the stations will most likely dictate/enforce the current or a variance of the existing maritime laws. Most likely, stations will be bankrolled by a collective of government entities, a la the ISS, or a corporation/collective performing the same function with massive tax breaks.
Criminal activity, similar to today's world, will be determined by what is considered illicit, and also constrained by technological advancements when we finally get there, but also dependent on the effectiveness of bribes/physical threats from corporations/criminal orgs.
Edit: spelling/grammar
JustSomeoneCurious t1_ja0qkcx wrote
Reply to comment by j_dog99 in A custom 100-pound laptop with a 43-inch screen by thebelsnickle1991
Welp, I guess the designers took desktop literally with this laptop