Justanothebloke t1_j5sw3q1 wrote
Reply to comment by ChiseledTwinkie in The Key to California’s Survival Is Hidden Underground The state is ping-ponging between severe drought and catastrophic flooding. The solution to both? Making the landscape spongier. by Sariel007
It is feisable. It is called ASR. Aquifer storage and recovery. The concept is to drill and case the bore to a specific depth in the bedrock that aligns with a fracture. Those fractures hold enormous amounts of water as they go for kilometres. Clean the captured water and pump it down the hole and recover it at a later date when needed.
Justanothebloke t1_j0kfkdq wrote
Reply to comment by tall_strong_master in Toughest material ever is an alloy of chromium, cobalt and nickel by tonymmorley
This guy maths!
Justanothebloke t1_iy7bnlb wrote
Reply to comment by redingerforcongress in Hyperion plans to kickstart a H2 fuel network with mobile stations by redingerforcongress
Have locations online. Have an app. This is not rocket science.
Justanothebloke t1_j6filsj wrote
Reply to comment by PorkyPigDid911 in Scientists lower price of lithium's best competition - flow batteries - by 20%. Makes the battery effectively equal to or cheaper than lithium ion when spread over 30 years (flow battery lifetimes are effectively infinite with light repowering efforts). by PorkyPigDid911
Redflow.com is an Aussie company making zinc bromine flow batteries. Check em out