KW4 t1_j9qcuwa wrote

You’re deflecting in order to not address the point at hand. I’m sure the PR firm who was raking in easy cash from the district just randomly decided to part ways for no reason whatsoever… yeah that sounds about right. Use your brain, even a little bit.

Edit: I can’t reply for some reason, but the argument here is not about whether it’s right or not right to ban books. People obviously can have differing opinions there. The point I’m making is that, especially on Reddit, we love to believe that harassment and violence comes from just one side. This is yet another example of that not actually being the case.

Folks from both the left and the right have a tendency to resort to to these tactics when they feel disenfranchised. You can choose to believe it or not but the proof is right here in the pudding.


KW4 t1_j9qa5ge wrote

It’s one thing to say “don’t represent people who ban books” and another to harass and threaten. The latter is also illegal. You can try to manipulate, boil it down, and turn a blind eye to it all you want but it doesn’t change the facts of what’s happening. The narrative here is constantly that violence and harassment is a staple of the right and yet here is yet another example of that not strictly being the case.


KW4 t1_j9ptx8b wrote

This has nothing to do with the free market. The PR firm, which doesn't necessarily share the same sentiments as the school district, is being harassed by by the very group that claims to be tolerant and civil.

It once again just goes to prove that both sides have absolutely no qualms with resorting to these antics.


KW4 t1_it4sckv wrote

Agree. It's almost all I ever see and/or interact with on this sub. There's very few posts here not trying to spoon feed you some kind of political slander, ideology, or projection of social elitism. I have to resort to Nextdoor *shudder* for actual happenings in our state. And even then that's filled with a bunch of NIMBYs and Karens. On one platform you have a bunch of out of touch projectionists and on the other you have a bunch of regressive freaks. Pick your poison I guess?
