
t1_ja9nfx2 wrote

Pretty unfair. Although he's has expressed skepticism on the matter, he's not outright rejected the idea, unlike the last two (Dem) governors who have both rejected the idea outright. He's never had an opportunity to officially weigh in on the matter, since it gets killed in the Senate ever year. Rumor is he'll support it if it gets to his desk.


t1_j9pbx5h wrote

The last two Dem governors opposed cannabis legalization. Many of those in the Senate who oppose legalization are Dems. The issue consistently gets majority support of both Republicans and Democrats in the House. This really isn't a partisan issue in NH. Also, the whispers I hear is that Sununu will sign it if it gets to his desk (he wants to be prez and is pushing the "liberty governor" angle) but he doesn't want to take the risk of going on record supporting it as long as the Senate protects him from having to. Senate remains the roadblock here, but there's reason to believe this year the mix will be more favorable. We'll see.