Karlzbad t1_j1tt1ma wrote
Reply to 10 South Korean tourists were stranded in a blizzard near Buffalo. Then they spent 2 nights in a stranger's home, cooking and watching football. by HalFWit
Post from r/nottheonion immediately preceding this post in my feed <iframe id="reddit-embed" src="https://www.redditmedia.com/r/nottheonion/comments/zvnghp/south\_korea\_lifts\_ban\_on\_imported\_sex\_dolls/?ref\_source=embed\&amp;ref=share\&amp;embed=true" sandbox="allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-popups" style="border: none;" height="127" width="640" scrolling="no"></iframe>
Karlzbad t1_j9swqho wrote
Reply to [OC] National Divorce by the Numbers (Politics, Demographics, GDP) by tabthough
Fuck that we're annexing a hundred mile wide easement through Jesusland and just remaining America. We have all the money and you're the ones who want to leave. Bye yall.