There's no such job as NLP. NLP is a subset of machine learning and as such isn't a title.
There are a few jobs that work on NLP
Technical Jobs
Data scientist - Find out interesting things using statistics and ML (NLP can be apart of this) and report those back to businesses so they can profit from them.
Machine Learning Researcher - Push the state of the art so that others can then use the tech you develop.
Machine Learning engineer - Deploy, productionise and scale ML algorithms to do continual learning.
Product Owner (ML) - CEO of a ML algorithm or suite of algorithms that will essentially manage implementation, maintenance and improvement.
Or you could do a more business side role for this it's best to try and get a job at a company in the field you want to be in.
KarmaIssues t1_j5u7pze wrote
Reply to Looking to get into Natural Language Processing as a career by Zarathuuustra
There's no such job as NLP. NLP is a subset of machine learning and as such isn't a title.
There are a few jobs that work on NLP
Technical Jobs Data scientist - Find out interesting things using statistics and ML (NLP can be apart of this) and report those back to businesses so they can profit from them.
Machine Learning Researcher - Push the state of the art so that others can then use the tech you develop.
Machine Learning engineer - Deploy, productionise and scale ML algorithms to do continual learning.
Product Owner (ML) - CEO of a ML algorithm or suite of algorithms that will essentially manage implementation, maintenance and improvement.
Or you could do a more business side role for this it's best to try and get a job at a company in the field you want to be in.