
Kataphractoi t1_jdy7urt wrote

> If I were a(n) Historian, I would be aghast at the liberties (pun intended) taken by this film.

Medieval historians tend to view A Knight's Tale favorably. But that could be because AKT wasn't trying to be historical and was more just telling a story in a setting. Even with the anachronisms and other inaccuracies, the film still captures the atmosphere and mood that would've been present at a historical medieval tournament.


Kataphractoi t1_ixwd2hr wrote

> She didn't seem impressed and told me to "remember my roots", coz she knows I grew up Christian.

Hearing this line amuses me. It's like some people can't conceive the concept that people can change over the course of their life, and that it's not a failing to do so.


Kataphractoi t1_itjqts7 wrote

It's still a thing today in America. Less so since we're much more informal as a culture now, but if you go to an older/more conservative company, you'll see this at play. Also in the military it's pretty common for senior ranks to refer to junior ranks by first name and only use rank/last name in formal scenarios or if someone's getting an ass-chewing.