
OP t1_j8y8vh0 wrote

No the point heā€™s trying to make is that people who carry around the big gallon of water containers, are usually people who would leave the container on the machine, obstructing somebody else from potentially using it, while they walk away from the machine leaving their stuff behind ā€œhoggingā€ it.

You canā€™t ask somebody to work in, if theyā€™re not present at the machine, but I humbly explained, and tried to assure him, that I wasnā€™t one of those people who do that. I donā€™t ā€œhogā€ machines. I get whatever sets I gotta get done in a timely manner, and move on to the next. Iā€™m not trying to be at the gym all day.

If anything, wherever Iā€™m at, my jug of water is always right next to me at all times.


OP t1_j8xzzvo wrote

Listen, people are bringing their personal problems into my thread, when I just asked for a recommendation.

Forgive me if, Iā€™m ā€œProjectingā€? I donā€™t know how else to not come off as projecting, in your eyes, Iā€™m just responding accordingly.

You responded three different times to my comments, without a single recommendation. You didnā€™t add any value, but chose to voice your opinion, on how my comments may have invoked a certain feeling in you.

Iā€™m not here to say you canā€™t comment, or feel a certain way, but this whole conversation has diverged into something complete unrelated to the OP, and in my humble defense, I didnā€™t start it.

I apologize for if I may have hurt anybodyā€™s feelings that has been involved in this conversation. I should have known better to stoop down to that level, and just be the bigger person.

Again, Sorry.


OP t1_j8xw9wk wrote

>You're making a lot of assumptions about me there bud

Ironic, look at the pot calling the kettle black.

>I go at 5:00am.


>There's no one there to annoy me. But, if I'm meeting folks for a game in the evening I sometimes see folks on the weights. The only giant jugs I see are not politely stashed out of the way.

Wow, so based off of your experience, you decide to judge everybody else all in the same, because a couple people ā€œruinedā€ it for you?

>I'm sorry I phrased my sentence as a personal attack on you. But, rest assured, I didn't downvote you.

I donā€™t think this little ā€œdebateā€ would have ensued in the first place, if you perhaps, didnā€™t phrase phrase your ā€œsentenceā€ as a personal attack? You canā€™t punch somebody in the face for no reason, then just say ā€œIā€™m sorryā€



Take it easy man


OP t1_j8xosry wrote

I do not place my ā€œstuffā€ unattended, and if Iā€™m not near a machine, and weā€™re talking in context of the gym, chances are Iā€™m not using it.

Why donā€™t you, instead of being passive-aggressive, and overtly annoyed, speak up to whoever may be occupying the machine that you want to use.

If you see someones ā€œstuffā€ lying around on it, use your eyes, look around, and use your lips. Explain your concern and move on, like I understand, itā€™s obnoxious to hog a machine, I get it.

I go to the gym in the morning before work, you think I like when I need to use a machine, and I see someoneā€™s stuff and no body is around, that aggravates me to, but this is not a topic about that, this is a topic about me getting a nice recommendation for a bag that can fit all of my things in the form of a backpack instead of a duffel bag. itā€™s quite annoying carrying around a duffle as opposed to carrying a backpack

Edit: Stay salty with your downvote bud šŸ‘šŸ»


OP t1_j8xlj42 wrote

I don't participate in those activities, if I happen to be occupying a machine, I'm using it until im finished with my sets. If I'm done with my sets, then I'm not going to be occupying the machine anymore, and I'm on to my next exercise.

I just carry it around with me, because it is the better alternative than carrying around 7 individual water bottles


t1_j73s1qc wrote

I canā€™t imagine living in a NYCHA project man, that sounds brutal, how do you even put up with all that?

Youā€™re surviving in your own home, and whatā€™s with people pissing, and shitting all over the project lobbies/elevators? Last time I went to visit a friend, there was literal shit in a plastic bag, smeared all across the floor with hella garbage on top of it, topped off with a swarm of flies flying over it.

I canā€™t fathom how someone would treat their place of home like that. I really think the degenerates that reside in those building, are apart of the reason why nobody does anything about nothing when it comes to those project buildings.