
t1_j78ewch wrote

"The signs of using too much marijuana are just like those of using marijuana, but more severe", or whatever the actual quote is (long quote, can't see the picture while I'm typing), is just such a "well, duh" statement.

I think that works for most things, the more you take in, the more they effect you.

I get that they're trying to both say "marijuana won't kill you", and "more marijuana does have an effect", but it sounds so stupid.

But not as stupid as Sheriff Billy-Bob, there, though, that thinks that marijuana is deadly.

Driving under the influence can be, so maybe in that way stronger marijuana might be more dangerous because your decision making might be impaired enough to get you behind the wheel, but even that's a real stretch.

I will say, as someone that's only smoked about once a decade, it has indeed gotten stronger each time I smoked.

But that's just personal anecdote with no real info behind it, because I have no idea of the strains I smoked or the strength of them.


t1_izjz16a wrote

Rhinoceros is basically "nose horn". Greek for "one horn" is monoceros, the Latin equivalent is unicorn.

The German equivalent of unicorn is "einhorn", the Mandarin Chinese version is Qilin.

The Indian Rhinoceros, or Greater One-Horned Rhinoceros, is indeed "rhinoceros unicorni".

If this girl finds an Indian rhino, she has permission to take it home now.

Speaking of India, Honda sells a motorcycle known as the Honda Unicorn there, so maybe she could take home a motorcycle.